Introduction to the Conference: Thomas Huxley, Chairman of CRRAG, Deputy Director, Countryside Commission for Scotland
The Speakers
Trends and Issues in Countryside Recreation in the 1970’s and 1980’s: Analysis and Interpretation of Recent Large – Scale Surveys
Roger Sidaway, Head of Recreation and Access Branch, Countryside Commission
Distant Visitors and Local Residents: The Links Between Tourism and Recreation in Scotland.
Sue Mackenzie, Planning Officer (Research), Countryside Commission for Scotland, and Tom Costley, Research Officer, Scottish Tourist Board
The English Tourist Board’s Promotion ‘Maritime England’: The Choice of Methods and Markets
Patrick Roper, Head of Publicity, and David Jeffries, Marketing Director, English Tourist Board
‘The Past Afloat’: A Television Series With Lessons for Recreation Practitioners
Anthony Burton, Presenter, and Michael Garrod, Producer, of BBC2 series ‘The Past Afloat’
The Development and Influence of Automobile Association (AA) Publications
Ralph Robbins, Editor-in-Chief, Publications, Automobile Association
Promoting a Country Park in Scotland
John Mackay, Planning Officer (Research), Countryside Commission for Scotland
Presentation of Informal Discussion of Excerpts from the English Tourist Board’s _’Maritime England’ Presentation
Spreading the Message: The Nottinghamshire County Council Promotion of Rufford Park
Roger Jowell, Co-Director, and Helen Finch, Project Researcher, Social and Community Planning Research (SCPR)
Was That Good? The Role of Visitor Centres
Jon Wilkinson, Operations Director, Research Bureau Limited (RBL)
A Review of Mobility and Countryside Recreation
Brian Duffield. Director, Tourism and Recreation Research Unit, University of Edinburgh
Charging and Pricing for Countryside Recreation
Robbie Stoakes, Senior Research Officer, Countryside Commission
What Researchers Do and What Practitioners Want to Know
Michael Collins, Principal Officer (Research and Information), The Sports Council
Leisure Policy for the 1990’s
Lester Borley, Chief Executive, English Tourist Board