An Update on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
Pam Whaley, Marine and Coastal Policy Team, Defra
Coastal Access – what it means to recreation
Charlotte Edward, Central Council of Physical Recreation (CCPR)
Pembrokeshire Marine Code
Vicky Swales, Pembrokeshire Marine Code
The Marine Environment: How do we increase the public’s understanding
Lissa Goodwin, Marine Connection
Why Did It Take Three Years to Open a Simple Public Pathway- A case study in Malibu, California Linda Locklin, California Coastal Commission
Coastal Access- What do walkers really want?
Andrew McCloy, freelance access consultant
Coastal Access Information Sheet The Countryside Agency
Don’t Forget the Swimmers
Jean Perraton, Environmental Consultant/Writer
Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics
Hugh Westacott, Director of Guided Walks and Walking Tours
Beyond Lover’s Lane
Dr Richard Byrne, Harper Adams University College
Delivering a Countryside for Health and Wellbeing Conference Countryside Access and Activites Network (NI) and CRN
Training and Events Diary