Recreation in a Changing Environment 3
Bill Murphy, Coillte Teoranta
Exploring Strangford 5
Dr Lynn Gilmore and Caroline Nolan, Strangford Lough Office
Participation in Sport and Active Recreation in the Countryside 7
Matt Roebuck, Sport England
1995-2008:Trends in Outdoor Recreation in Northern Ireland 10
Dr Caro-Lynne Ferris, Countryside Access and Activities Network
Participation in Outdoor Recreation in Scotland:Key Results from the Scottish Recreation Survey 14 Fiona Cuninghame, Scottish Natural Heritage
Preferences or Barriers? Why do some people not visit the Outdoors? 17
Sue Williams, Countryside Council for Wales
Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Participation in Forest School 20
Rebecca Lovell, University of Edinburgh and Jenny Roe, OPENspace
Agency Profile- Environment Agency 24
News and Case Study 26
Past Events Summaries 28
Publications 29