Welcome 1
Martin Elson Oxford Brookes University
Sport in the Countryside: Current Trends, Study and Practice 3
Roger Sidaway Research and Policy Consultant
Good Practice in the Planning and Management of Sport and Active Recreation in the Countryside 9
Georgina Reynolds Oxford Brookes University
Sport in Woodlands 14
Audrey Brown Loughhorough University
Managing Sport and Recreation: Case Studies from National Governing Bodies
Case Study One: Managing Climbing through Good Practice 19
Jeremy Barlow British Mountaineering Council
Case Study Two: Water Skiing: Langstone Harbour 22
Ian Hamilton Southern region British Water Ski Federation
Highlights of Specific Practical Issues and Experiences, Problems and Solutions
A) The Scottish Sports Council 25
Marsailidh Chisholm Scottish Sports Council
B) The Sports Council 28
Roger Orgill Sports Council for Great Britain
C) Recreation in Northern Ireland 31
Stephen Wilson Sports Council for Northern Ireland
D) Recreation Management in Wales 34
John Harrison Sports Council for Wales
The Environment and Countryside Bill 35
Robert Gillespie Chapman Warren, Town and Planning Development Consultants
Workshop One: Recreation versus Conservation: Conflict or Consensus?
Workshop leader: Roger Sidaway
Workshop Two: A Peaceful Countryside: Myth or Reality? 41
Workshop leader: Sue Glyptis
Workshop Three: Promotion of Good Practice: The Role of the Governing Bodies 42
Workshop leaders: Jeremy Barlow and Ian Hamilton