Introduction and Welcome by Chair
Glenn Millar, British Waterways 6
The funders perspective
Access to Nature
Sarah Preston, Natural England 7
Rural Development Programme – England
Chris Franklin, Yorkshire Forward 15
Heritage Lottery Fund – Funding for the Future
Tony Crosby, Heritage Lottery Fund 16
Practical experiences of funding recipients
British Waterways
Andrew Stumpf, British Waterways 21
Local Authority Representative
Rebecca Pell, Worcestershire County Council 31
Appraisal and Evaluation
Overview of appraisals
Simon Shibli, Sheffield Hallam University 36
Monitoring and evaluation
Isla Campbell, Heritage Lottery Fund 40
Appendix A – Programme 43
Appendix B – Speaker Biographies 45
Appendix C – Attendance List 50
Appendix D – Slide Handouts from all speakers 57