Welcome and Introduction 7
Geoff Hughes, CRN
What Young People Want. The YHA Perspective. 9
Roger Clarke, Youth Hostels Association
Young People’s Demand for Countryside Recreation 12
Simon Shibli and Craig Mulder, Sheffield Hallam University
Learning from Young Roots 15
Philip Pearce, Heritage Lottery Fund
A Strategic Approach to Providing for Young People in North Yorkshire’s Countryside 17
Simon Woodward, PLB Consulting Ltd
Riverside Youth Project 19
Dennis Stinchcombe MBE, Riverside Youth Project
How Young People Enjoy the Countryside 21
Jim Davis, The Children’s Society
Wild Adventure Space for Young People 24
Judith Hanna, English Nature
Motorsports Project in Scotland 30
Bob Reid, North Lanarkshire Scramble and Quad Bike Club
Young People and Urban Greenspace in Northern Ireland: A Case Study of Craigavon Lakes Mountain Bike Trail 38
Declan Brown, Craigavon District Council and Clare Wright,
Countryside Access and Activities Network, Northern Ireland
Only Tourists Climb! Challenging a Culture of Non-Participation 39 Amanda Davies, Chairman and Tracey Evans, North-West Wales Outdoor Partnership
Concluding Remarks Geoff Hughes, CRN 44
Appendix A – Programme 45
Appendix B – Speaker Biographies 47
Appendix C – Delegate List 54
Appendix D – Slide Handouts from all speakers 58